last weekend

we took a trip to my hometown...
thursday, while walking out of school to our car, paxton informed me "my throat hurts mommy, but i'm okay. we can still go!"  (foreshadowing what was to come) we got home, loaded up our van with luggage, toys, kids and off we went. stopping for a quick bite to eat. changed everyone into their jammies, got back in the car & continued our journey.  all fell asleep. until we arrived at my parents place there. big kids went right to sleep. little kids....not so much. i finally got them to sleep again at midnight.  (note to self: do not travel at night until little ones older.)

friday morning i snapped these photos
paxton's throat was still sore, so off to a clinic he went to confirm what i already knew. strep throat. saturday afternoon, we drove in a little blizzardy weather to visit my dear friends new baby. and the rest of her fam too. my mom and i had to fight avery to hold baby ellie. avery is just like her mommy, who's just like her grandma.  we love us some baby.
paxton held her for a short time.
my little ones were very jealous when grandma or i first held ellie. then they got over it and played with ellie's sister lauren.
they also have an old player piano that paxton enjoyed playing. he loves him some music.
lauren who's almost 3 has tutu's and thought adler & easton should wear them. which they did. so cute.
sunday after church & lunch the afternoon was spent being silly.  like sitting on the washing machine laughing and having me take photos.
or adler trying on her brother & sister's underwear. she has 3 pairs on. 1 for each leag and 1 over her diaper.
easton had to get in the action too.
fun was had even if sleep for me was not to be had. and if paxton had to get a stronger antibiotic or jer also ended up with strep. 


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