Kids say the funniest things!

My kids always say lots of silly things but today stuck out in my mind. First, my sweet kids had a full morning, doctor for flu shots then dentist for a first time check up. It wasn't all bad, they did get to Starbucks in between and Target after. Two of their favorite things.

After their flu shot
Me: I am so proud of you both. You did such a great job.
Avery: (In her not very happy face nor happy voice) That wasn't very nice of them to give me a flu shot!

At home looking through our goodies from the dentist
Paxton: Oh we got camofloss!
Me: Sweetie Pie it's floss, not camoflage.

While we're at it, here's how a conversation went while putting on Mr.P's pink polo a few days ago.
Paxton: This is Avery's? (I have been known in a hurry to start putting the wrong item on a kid)
Me: No it's yours
Paxton: It's Averys!
Me: This is Paxton's
Paxton: But boys don't wear pink.
Me: Yes they do, boys can wear any color.
Paxton: No boys wear blue, orange, brown. I don't like pink.
Me: It's under a brown jacket so it'll be fine. (Man does he look adorable in light pink too)


five dot design said…
CAMOFLOSS! ha! can my daughter marry your little boy??
Cindy said…
Hey MR P....
I think I gave you that shirt!!! haha I love you guys!

Just Me said…
hehehehe! that is too sweet...! I love how little kids talk, thanks for sharing, made me smile!
Anonymous said…
Too funny! Kids do say the silliest things. It makes you want to grab them and cover them with kisses for being so innocent.

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