Happy Valentines Day!

Wishing each one of you a Happy Valentine's Day! 

Today, the kids opened their little mail box to find one of the above valentines, $1, and cars2 cookies.  (After scrambling to put something together last night & realizing I only had 3-$5 bills) I heard screaming and excitement so it was all good! 

I planned on making heart shaped sandwiches for my big kids lunch box (but forgot! I make lunch while doing spelling words while diffusing arguements between the little kids, while kissing boo boos, while pouring milk, while sounding out words, while...you get the idea!)  I'm hoping to make it up with something valentinish for dinner..assuming we don't go shoe shopping for Paxton tonight.

My husband and I totally get into Valentine's Day! Last night while putting the kids to bed our conversation went something like this:
Jer: "Did you make me a card?"
me: "Umm, not yet"
Jer: "Let's not"
Me: "Oh good!" "Let's just kiss & hug & call it a day!"  (I guess, we could've walked into my office and picked one of my cards:) but what fun is that?)  Thankfully we both don't care about these holiday's, we love each other everyday.  That's why we work.

I planned on taking a Valentine's Day pic of my 4, but of course I forgot, while I was doing Avery's hair, getting them last minute snacks, drinking coffee, packing their backpacks, chatting with my parents...etc.

Instead I'm sharing 2 pictures I quickly took with my phone
[Paxton & Avery heading to the bus stop]

[Easton & Adler playing in the basement]
I will be attending my big kids Valentine school party this afternoon. What are your plans for the day? Are you a flowers + chocolates or a it's just another day kind of person?


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