what do you think?

I'm thinking of making a visual change to my shop because A.) I have way too much extra time on my hands or B.) I love change.
If you chose A, then you are craaaazzzy...I have 4 kids, a husband, a home, and a business....
If you chose B, then you are the winner!!!! The winner of self satisfaction for guessing correctly.

Now onto business. I'm thinking of changing up my first photo. See my plan below.

or you can see how the test looks in the screen shot below of my actual shop.
now that you've seen the proposed, what do you think? Yes or No? I only have 174 items in my shop to change (easy though time consuming.) Wondering if it's really worth the effort.

I appreciate your input!


Kimberly said…
I guessed right! Laughed out loud when I read option A. :) This is pretty hard. I like the look of both to be honest with you but the photo look is very cute. My only concern is, will you get tired of it? That happened to me. At 174 items, it will be time consuming, but I think you should try it anyway. I think it makes the photo stand out a little more even as compared to the others in your Etsy Mini so that might be a good thing. I say try it! Change is GOOD! :)
Unknown said…
How about try it with a few items first...maybe choose a certain section of your shop to test it out and see how it does? I honestly like both ways - but the first way (that you currently have them) at least removes any "dead space" around the vibrant close-ups. However, I totally get wanting to change things up, so I'd say go for it, because it might give a unique and sharp look to your shop. There, I straddled that fence of decision nicely, didn't I? LOL
katy said…
I agree with Laura! I'm a total control freak and would ALWAYS love to have all my own photos follow the same theme, but I'm not sure the average shopper is like that. (God help them if they are! LOL!) The photo look is very cute but it makes the image of your work smaller. I say, switch over a few and see what happens. Maybe that'll perk things up a little bit and give you the change you're looking for!
Mmmm, I'm not sure. I like the new look a lot but there seems to be a lot of 'wasted' space. The first photo shows your product well... think I'd stay with the old way.

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