My Day

Today went something like this...
-4:00am wake up to crying hungry babies and the full fledged cold I've been able to hold off for the last 4 weeks that someone(s) in my family has/have had.
-go back to sleep until Jer leaves at 6:45am [while I'm grateful, now I'm almost 2 hours behind in the day, aka no time for shower]
-Take 4 kids out in the pouring rain for a much needed Target run. [while wishing we had an attached garage and my raincoat had a hood.]
-Ran over my poor Mr. P with the enormous cart on our way out of Target after he tripped and I didn't know it because I couldn't see over baby A's carseat but wondered why the cart wouldn't move anymore. Proceeded to unwedge his foot from being caught in the grates at the bottom of the cart. He was crying a bit and asking why I didn't stop! Umm I didn't see you just didn't seem to cut it. Said he couldn't walk and wanted to sit, but the places for children to sit were now full of grocery bags. He managed to hold onto the side though.
-After unloading all kids and groceries [did I mention its raining and we don't have an attached garage?] I unhooked baby E from his carseat to find he had a blowout. [such a laid back guy, didn't even fuss:)]
-Miss A is such a helpful little mommy 96% of the time but after being told numerous times to leave the babies alone while I was making lunch, I saw her driving cars on their head and set the timer for 15 minutes where she was not allowed to touch them.
-Every where I turned there was a toy or book.
-Put babies down for nap, make a snack for the big kids, pop in a movie then head to the office to work, 30 minutes later baby E started crying, he stopped as I was heading out of the office, sat back at the computer and baby A started crying then baby E too, marking the end of office time.
-Mention to big kids we'd be having a bath soon, only to realize it was 5:00 and time for dinner. Scratch that plan, baths tomorrow and 2 not so happy kids.
-Before bed I was handing Mr. P his milk [stainless steel thermos] we were being silly and his hand knocked mine and it landed on his head. My sweetest big boy had a rough day. [baby E and baby A were crying now too]
-Big kids sleeping by 7:00pm
-Wonder if baby E could be having attachment/separation issues already. He was smiling while we were talking, cried when I walked out of his site, smiled when I came back, repeat. [I only experimented one more time.]
-Watch Flash Forward on DVR [my new favorite tv show] while playing with smiling, giggling babies. Jer comes home.
-Babies in bed sleeping by 8:45 pm.
-Watch Private Practice while blogging
-Heading to bed soon happy tomorrow is a new day!


I am exhausted just reading about your day!

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