Quick Update

My weekend, if you've been following me then you know, was full of rest. I know you are dying to know what happened while I was in bed for 48 hours (okay it ended up being 53 hours, but who's counting)
I twittered, facebook, emailed, shopped, researched, watched tv, read magazines, napped, got waited on, snuggled with my P&A, relisted some items, ate, answered convos, slept, and watched movies. Please note, I can't remember the last movie I saw in a theater nor the last grown up movie I've seen until this weekend...Baby Mama, Made of Honor, Sex in the City, & Vantage Point. Vantage Point by far the best one, totally on the edge of my seat even though it was predictable. All while my mom folded and put away laundry, cleaned up, took care of the kids, made snow penquins with them, played, played and played, and my mom & jer even finished painting the kitchen! It looks fabulous and I can't wait to take photos and post them.

My favorite was Friday night having a picnic on my bed with all 5 of us (P, A, Jer, mom, & me) while we watched Dora saves the snow princess and ate chinese.

My least favorite was waving bye to my kids Saturday as they headed to the lake house for the rest of the weekend, the moment they pulled out of the driveway the house & my heart felt suddenly so empty. Although a couple hours later, dinner in bed with my sweet husband chatting away made up for it.

This evening I've been up but taking it easy, I listed new holiday cards and designed 14 styles of personalized stationery, which I'm sure you'll be seeing in the coming weeks. Tomorrow, I get to pick up my two precious blessings. I can't wait!!


Just Me said…
even though you were on "bed-rest", sounds like you got a lot done! And, those holiday cards are so sweet! I am debating whether or not to make mine this year...ugh, sounds like such a chore!!! LOL!

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