Say Goodbye to a dear ol' Friend

This is the home I grew up in since the age of 3! [that's my bedroom window directly behind the mailbox] It's lovingly referred to as 'the other house'. [Once my parents built their beautiful lake home last year, we had to distinguish between the two, lake house & other house.]

My parents accepted an offer earlier this week. While I knew this day would come, I didn't realize how sad it would be when I left my from my last visit. I mean, I didn't even cry when I sold/moved out of my very own first home. Once the offer was signed, it rained for the next 24 hours, it's almost as if the house was saying "I'm sad too."

Then the sun came out and the kids and I were able to enjoy swimming for the last time in that pool before we headed home. The hardest part is we were barely out of the driveway and Paxton was saying "I want to go to the other house again!"

I think my youngest nephew said it best when we were there in July "We've had a lot of great memories here!" Yes, so true! Many great memories to take with us.

[Check out the top left pic's tree shadow, doesn't it remind you of my Sydney series]


(wife.) said…
That is such a weird and sad time. Less than two years ago, my parents sold the house I'd lived in pre-birth until age 18 (and visited until age 27). For me, it was wonderful to see them get rid of so much STUFF because the old house was just so full, but it was especially weird to leave our old neighborhood and see them move to a [beautiful] subdivision with no sidewalks. They're thrilled with their new place, which makes my brother and me happy, but it's really weird to call home and call a different area code that's only 10 miles from the old one!

It's great that your kids have photos and memories of "the other house" and that they can make plenty more at the lake. Congrats to your parents, too, on selling a house right now! :-)
Anonymous said…
You know me, I'm a mover and growing up never lived in a house more than 5 years. I'm a little sad as well for I have had some good memories in that house too! My family had their first easter in SD in that house and we had some fun sleepovers and a fun party there too. It's such a beautiful home. Your parents put a lot of love and creativity in that home and I can see why it's so sad to see the house being sold. Can you believe the last time I was there it was for your wedding?

Congrats to your parents though as they close this chapter in their lives and commit it all to memory and focus soley on their retirement and enjoying their children and grandchildren.

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