I love to read blogs and am fascinated with reading people's thoughts, events, and creative ideas. As one of the last people to have a blog, I hope you find it interesting and/or informational Being the mom of 2 1/2 year old boy/girl twins, I always have funny stories that I want to cherish. Someday when my kids are grown they will be able to see what our life was like at this time. I am a Designer who quit corporate life in late May, and am finding that I love, love, love being home full-time with my babes. However, my babes only pay in kisses and hugs, so to help out financially, I decided to resurect my cards and invitation business, Stelie Designs, back from a friends and family only to a growing business again. Stelie Designs was created in 2000 with myself and a good friend, when I left a Design Firm, and she left corporate retail. Stelie is our names Stephanie & Julie combined. Now after 7 years and 5 kids, I am going it alone at least for now. Stelie has a new logo an...